As A Poet, I’m Obviously Not Writing To Make Lots Of Money …

Carolyn Cordon
4 min readApr 9, 2024

My most favourite thing to write is a poem. I do write other things, and in fact am ‘working on’ a novel. When I say I’m working on that novel, I write around 200 to 400 words once a week, and given the final number of words required is around 65,000 words, and I’m not even halfway there yet, it’s not that likely to be finished and sent off to look for a publisher any time soon …
Writing poems though, they and much more interesting and fun things to write, and to write a poem and have it ‘published’ whether online or on paper in the ‘real world’ that is a much faster (and satisfying) way to go! I can write poems, and could post them here on Medium, and make money from them every month, if I wanted to!

But as a poet, my brain has this silly idea that is not the way I want to go. I’m not sure why, it may have something to do with artistic integrity, or some such fancy-pants namby-pamby thing … But making money from my writing is a good thing to do, isn’t it? I think that is a good thing, yes for sure. It shows my writing has merit, surely.

But my brain doesn’t seem to agree with me. I can see my brian and I are going to have to sit down together and have an in depth discussion concerning these matters, soon!

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash



Carolyn Cordon

Writer & Presenter — Poetry, prose, blogging, editor Mallala Crossroad Chronicle. Words are my tools, I use them well!