Baked Clusters Of Good Health!

Carolyn Cordon
4 min readDec 4, 2022

I used a recipe I found on the internet, changed a bit, and woohoo, so was created “Fruity Protein Health Clusters!”. Below is a link to the recipe that attracted my attention:

I wanted to make something to take to an event my husband and I are attending tonight, a quiz night for a local not for profit group run by some of my friends, and as I like quiz nights, I like to help out worthy causes, and I’m always happy to do good things for my friends, I was happy to put my name down.

Then when I mentioned it to my husband, and asked if he’d like to attend the event too, I was pleased when he said yes. He’s a clever man, my husband, and I suspect he’ll be an asset to the team tonight, and will know many of the answers to the questions that will be asked!

The only thing was, what to bring to eat at the event? Basically you are to bring food and drinks for yourself, and there will be tea and coffee available at the venue for those who would like to have either of those. So because my husband, who is also my carer to assist me because I have a chronic illness, isn’t home today, prepare something for tonight.

He’s had a health issue of his own, and it has affected his abilites to get out and about easily (hip issue). His hip is…



Carolyn Cordon

Writer & Presenter — Poetry, prose, blogging, editor Mallala Crossroad Chronicle. Words are my tools, I use them well!