Cyanide In Our Tummies

Carolyn Cordon
3 min readDec 1, 2023

If the acid in our stomach is there to break down foods we consume, I’m glad it doesn’t break down everything, because I ate something today with cyanide inside of it, and I don’t want to get sick or die!

Cherries, and some other stone fruits have a pit iside of the fruit, the pit being a seed with a hard coating around it, with the part we eat being the soft (and delicious) part around that.

Photo by Rebecca Matthews on Unsplash Don’t they look delicious!

So, with it being Christmas, and us being Australians, living in Australia, my husband bought some cherries yesterday when he did the fruit and vegetable shopping, as he does once a week at a special market for such things, an area in the capital city of Adelaide, called the Adelaide Central Market. This market is where the best of the best in fresh produce can be bought, as well as an amazingn array of spices, herbs and other interesting ingredients from around the world.

Anyway, it’s late Spring/early Summer, and that means Cherry season in the southern hemisphere, so that’s what he bought specially for me, I suspect, because he doesn’t like them that much. Anyway, they looked so delicious in a bowl on the table the day he brought them home, and again today, I was happy to pick two of these scrumptious looking fruits, and eat them!

But I wasn’t being careful enough, and after eating one of the cherries, and spitting out the pit, I then…



Carolyn Cordon

Writer & Presenter — Poetry, prose, blogging, editor Mallala Crossroad Chronicle. Words are my tools, I use them well!