Finding The Perfect Genre For A Series of Novels …

Carolyn Cordon
3 min readDec 10, 2022

I am never going to write the perfect thriller novel, because, while I don’t mind watching a movie in the ‘thriller’ mode every now and then, the thought of actually writing one seems way out of my range of interest for my writing.

I’m much more interested in ordinary people, living more or less ordinary lives, with little bits of unusual things, to add a little bit of interest to things …

What the … Whose duck is that? That’s more my kind of mystery! (Writer’s photograph’

One such thing is the duck in the image. It appeared suddenly, at a surprising spot along the road I live on, and lookes so interesting, I took a photo of it, using my phone. Then I was looking for something to have as a front page story of the newsletter I edit, becaue I had nothing else at hand so I used that photograph. It was an appealing front cover, and caused a little bit of a mystery in the Mallala Crossroad Chronicle.

Two different people from two different towns said the duck was theirs, and while I didn’t get into lengthy investigations of this matter, I kept an ear open, and it seems likely the person who lives across the road from where the duck was when I took the photograph is most likely to be the actual owner.

But the duck is gone now, gone home, it seems, and all is good in the poultry yard … I can imagine this tiny little mystery could occur as a little subplot in a Cosy Murder…



Carolyn Cordon

Writer & Presenter — Poetry, prose, blogging, editor Mallala Crossroad Chronicle. Words are my tools, I use them well!