Member-only story
It’s a Good Thing …
It’s a good thing the government gives me a Disability Support Pension to help me out financially
And it’s a good thing I’m a married woman, hubby pays the bills you see
And it’s a good thing my car will manage with only two new tyres for now
With the other two can wait a week, I’ve looked the money and figured out how …
Cars are so expensive, but totally necessary for me
There’s no Public Transport out my way you see.
I live in a tiny township, in the Australian countryside
It’s a lovely place to live, a cosy place to hide …
I don’t mean I’m hiding out from dirty deeds been done
I’m a goody two shoes person, as honest as a nun.
I mean it’s a place away from the noisy hustle and bustle
of city life, at home I can hear each leaf of the trees as they rustle!
But getting back to money matters, I’m needing to get new tyres
One of them recently split, the other three are only tryers -
They’re not much use, but later today, there’ll be two new and shiny rubber
ones, and hopefully the price of it won’t make my bank balance blubber!