Member-only story
My Life With Multiple Sclerosis
Being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis hasn’t been all bad …
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in February 2010, after having a collapse, and feeling weak, so weak walking was difficult. I had no idea what was wrong, but hoped my doctor would know.
My doctor sent me off for tests, then to a neurologist, who sent me for another test, and then after getting the results, he as able to say what was wrong with me. I’d been imagining a brain tumour, or a stroke, so when he told me I had MS — Multiple Sclerosis, I was relieved.
I already knew of a person who had MS, and she seemed to get on with life fine. Then when the neurologist put me onto a medication that was an injection into muscle, I learned how to do that. I didn’t like doing it, but it was only once a week, so was manageable. My muscle weakness (on my right side) eased, and I was getting around fine, with a cute walking cane, and was still able to drive my car.
Then the next year, Summer came along, and driving that little car, a manual, wasn’t so easy if I got to hot. I was having muscle spasms in my affected right leg too, and I worried about stalling the car, and not being able to get it started again … I was still managing though, except for one journey home from a meeting, when I got out of the car and collaped, unable to get up.