My Ode To My Cuppa Of Choice!

Carolyn Cordon
3 min readApr 9, 2024

If you were to ask me, would I like a cup of coffee, I am likely to answer, yes please! And if that coffee will be made with freshly ground coffee beans in one of several different methods, oh, how delicious!

First thing in the morning, coffee wakes up my mind, mixed with the breakfast I consume, and my day can get going, and going well!

Then around lunch time perhaps, another cuppa to give me ‘get up and go’ to keep on for the required tasks post lunch, and my day will continue on, with more than enough interest to make the required tasks for the day happen, tick, tick, tick!

I love coffee, and obviously coffee loves me too. So what else to do right now to compose and post an Ode to Coffee, as below!


Could a cup ever contain anything better,
Or more likely to enthuse one than this?
Few things indeed, I say, beans such as these
Freshly ground, infused with boiled water,
Enable chemical bliss, for the times a hit of
Energy is required, desired — Bliss in a drink!

There you go, a brand new poem, my personal thoughts about what coffee means to me, for me. If coffee is one of your necessary things the keep your life moving, you’ll understand surely! And if coffee isn’t the thing you use the help you get going in the morning, and keep going through the day, I’d love to hear about what…



Carolyn Cordon

Writer & Presenter — Poetry, prose, blogging, editor Mallala Crossroad Chronicle. Words are my tools, I use them well!