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People Beat “Stuff”
This is the first point in a book manuscript with the working title of ‘Wise Words?’ I’ve been thinking about for many years. I believed it when I first wrote it, and in this crazy Covid world we’re in right now, I believe it even more.
Is it mankind’s greatest mistake, to believe in the advertising mantra: ‘I have these things, therefore I am?’ To have many things, equates to nothing really, if you don’t have Self. Self respect, self knowledge, self actualisation, self belief … Following on from those words, is it time for people to begin to look inward, into our hearts and minds, and outwards to the hearts and minds of others. Surely there must be more to life than simply acquiring ‘stuff’ … I believe this, and I have some ‘Wise Words?’ on that thought here too:
“Holding onto unwanted ‘stuff’? Let it go, and free yourself!”
Freeing ourselves is surely a good thing to aim at in life. Freedom from pain, from ‘too much’ — too much debt, too many things that feel like burdens instead of assets. It is best for us if we can let them go, perhaps release them to another home, where they may in fact be assets to others. But having too many ‘things’ in life is never a good thing, is it? How much you own, in material goods, will never show the true you.
As a person dealing with a few challenges in life, as many others do also, I know that…