Member-only story
Looking back at the weird year we’ve had …
There has been much more to this Covid Crisis than running out of toilet paper, of course, but surely the way this strange era is likely to be looked back on, is the time when so many of us actually, or almost, ran out of toilet paper, and were unable to get any more …
Thinking back, from now, to then, who would have seen how this could go? In Australian where I live, it was a case of individual states barred, one to another, until new rules came in -boundaries opened up again, then closed, opened, closed — our brains bamboozled.
Our state, South Australia, one of the winners, if such a term could be used, when looking at our fight against an unthinking, deadly virus. Lockdown applies now to more than just prisoners, when any day ordinary folk may have to remain at home, no shopping, not coffee and cake with friends at the cafe or other dining venues.
And perhaps hardest of all, no hugs allowed with the friends we love, who we’ve missed more than we could ever have realised we might. Air hugs, socially distanced become the new norm, and we all now know how far 1.5 metres is, and don’t dare go any closer, for fear of, what?
Fear of a primeval nature, that of plague, that’s what. Who could have thought in this modern era, our whole planet may be brought…