Member-only story
Setting A SMART Goal For Fitness
As a person with Multiple Sclerosis, I am sure people’s expectations of me and what I can do, may be lower than they might be for people not burdened with such a chronic illness.
But when I am feeling good, I’m feeling almost as though there’s nothing wrong with me, and at the moment, I’m feeling very good indeed. I’ve been doing a short set of sessions with the MS Society SA & NT, designed to assist people with limiting their falls.
People with MS are more likely than the ordinary population to suffer from trips and falls. I have certainly had way more than my fair share of them, that’s for sure! My worst fall so far happened in 2019, and resulting in my breaking my right ankle, Ouch!
Since then, and more recently since the first half of 2021, I have been walking what I call ‘extra steps’ getting up to 3000 extra steps some days, or at least 2000 extra steps 5 days a week, or more. At the Falls Prevention meeting this week, we were challenged to come up with a SMART goal, that may assist us in further preventing falls.
I decided I would up my ‘extra steps’ and have challenged myself to walk to the bridge that crosses a local river, and back. This distance is about double as far as I currently walk, when I do these ‘extra steps’, so at the moment, I doubt I could easily manage the distance. But being able to do it, that will be a fine moment and is a thing I could be very proud of doing!