Some People Make Lots Of Money On Medium
I know this is true because I see their stories about it here on this site, and who am I to doubt the truth of what they write?
Actually, as a reader, I am able to believe or not believe everything I read, depending on whether they seem true of not to me … All readers can do that.
Anyway, I have to say my own experience regarding this ‘money making’ thing on Medium is quite different to the stories of those who are raking in all of the dough they brag about.
I’ve never had a month on Medium where I’ve made enough money to have been able to pay the mortgage for the month. Most months, I don’t even make enough to pay for more than two cups of coffee.
It’s a good thing I have other sources of income, and a husband who buys the coffee beans for our household!
And earlier this week, I was thinking this month was going to be my worst ever month, regarding money made, but I just checked on that, and it isn’t quite true.
For July, so far, I’ve apparently made 28 cents, pathetic, right? Yes it is. But it’s not my lowest amount for a month, I’ve made 26 cents and 27 cents in month’s past…