Member-only story
Stoics and Christmas …
As a person who has only just this past year, realised I am a Stoic, and have declared this to myself, and to others, I have a huge range of mixed feelings about Stoicism and Christmas.
I mean, Stoicism is about moderation, right? and for much of the time, the Christmas season seems to be all about excess, buying things we can’t necessarily afford, to give to people who may or may not want what we give them.
To go out to events and eat and drink to excess, damaging both health and reputation perhaps in the process. And no-one truly benefits from such things, beyond the businesses who make and or sell the things we buy to give to others, or to eat and drink …
The 4 Stoic Virtues
- Wisdom.
- Courage.
- Justice.
- Temperance.
So, in keeping with those four Stoic Virtues, I hope for the wisdom to know what is the best thing to do and the right way to act, and the courage to act accordingly as appropriate to meet with Stoicism’s principles, and further to be fair to others and do the best thing possible for all, and to follow the rules and laws of my community. And to meet the Virtue of Temperance, I will not over do my eating or drinking, but be moderate with my intake of both food and drink.