Successful Poet, Sharing Ideas Based On Own ‘Career’

Carolyn Cordon
4 min readMar 30, 2022

When I call myself a ‘successful poet’, I grin to myself like an idiot, what on earth is a successful anyway, and who am I to name myself one?

A recent book I edited. It has some of my poetry in it, as well as a bit of prose.

Well, I am on the edge of getting my next poetry collection published by a well know Australian publishing company, Ginninderra Press, whose published books you can see here:

This will be my ninth published, I think. It may be the tenth … I’d count them all, if I had a nice neat pile of my own published books close by in the bookshelf next to where I’m sitting, but I don’t have such a thing.

My mind is a creative mind, and my ideas of putting things away is also ‘creative’. In other words, I have bits and pieces of my ‘stuff’ all over the place everywhere in my home!

But anyway, it’s quite a few books, considering most people don’e have any published books! So some of my books have been published by Ginninderra, while I have self published others.

They’re not all poetry collections, although most are. Poetry has been my favoured genre for getting my thoughts ‘out there’, but I have written prose as well. And if you write prose, especially in an uncommon genre, sometimes self-publishing is the easiest, and best ways to go.



Carolyn Cordon

Writer & Presenter — Poetry, prose, blogging, editor Mallala Crossroad Chronicle. Words are my tools, I use them well!