Member-only story
Things Getting In the Way Of My Writing …
To be honest, nothing can ever completely stop me from writing. I think even on my death bed, I’ll likely still be writing comments, and posting them on my various Social Media platforms …
And of course there are the notes I write on my (phone) calendar most days, where what may have been a simple record of how far I’ve walked for the day, or what my weight was when I weighed myself in the morening, might become a paragraph or so about how I’m feeling, and what I’ve enjoyed or am looking forward to doing.
Or it may include something ‘historical’ with a review on what my weight was and how far I’d walked a year or two years ago, with the relevant other notes.
So I will continue doing those bits of writing, for sure, and I’m still going to my two regular weekly writing groups, and there is always at least a small amount of writing done at both of them.
But the big thing that is taking over the rest of my life, almost, is my univeristy studies. This requires commuting time to there there and back, plus the time in my two classes once a week. add to that the hours reading required, and I suppose it’s not that surprising my creative writing life has slowed down, to make way for a different kind of writing.