Member-only story
We Celebrated Thirty-five Years Of Marriage This Year
I don’t feel like either my husband or I are actually old, but when I look at the numbers, his age, my age, the number of years since we were married, I think to myself, wow, that is such a long time … But to be honest, the time has flowed past easily, most of the time.
There have been plenty of good times, some boring but OK times, and some awful times as well, from sickness, and other less than ideal issues. But overall, the good times, the times when we both feel the love that brought us together in the first place, that is still there.
I have an idea about the best ways to have a long and happy marriage, and I firmly believe a bit of strategic deafness, together with ‘on purpose’ forgetfulness both help. If he mutters something rude, I can pretend to not hear it, and if I forget something, he might simply ignore that fact … I hope so, anyway.
So thirty five years — you’d get less for murder! as the old joke goes. But to be honest, this life with my husband has been a good time, almost every day, whether we’re doing things together or each going about our own separate things. We don’t have to be physically together to know the other is thinking about us, as we may be thinking about them.
We have some common interests, things we do together, and some separate interests, and…