Member-only story
When I Become Famous, Will I Look Back & Say Thank You?
Becoming famous has been a thought in my head for a good many years now, and while the actual doing things I may become famous for is happening, the actual ‘fame’ is not happening.
But really, what is fame? Is it being well known to a variety of other people, those who look on your work and appreciate it? If so, hey, I’m famous already!
Thats if that ‘variety of other people’, means the residents of your local town, or at least more than half of them, and also, some of the people of a larger town, where maybe fifty of them may know you.
Then there are those in the bigger city, where some of your cohort in your choice of Art, know of you, and are aware of your work, But of course, when ‘your cohort’ refers to other poets around the town, some of whom may actually be famous, being known to thousands of others, rather than hundreds …
Being famous, when you’re a poet is a strange thing, a small thing, ‘a please listen to my latest work, pretty please,’ thing … But that is my chosen Art, Literature, but not the big novels that reach out to hundrends and thousands of book buyers, so the writer earns much money!
No, I’m a poet, with four or five published poetry books publised, and having earned perhaps a thousand dollars, all up, in the many years I’ve…