Who Really Pays The Price?

Carolyn Cordon
1 min readAug 7, 2021

I’m Australian, currently living in a Covid-reduced world, with much time to think about things, or to waste, depending on how I feel about things. This poem is in response to the awful news I’ve been seeing on the TV and hearing on the radio. And in particular, to the less that useful response from some sectors of government …

Someone Always Pays The Cost …

Covid woes -

Dark times, pestilence.

Mask on, stay at home, or else …

The government tells us all

what they will expect.

Some said no

ventured out

ignoring all risk

to selves, others — ignorant?

Or arrogant? Both I say -

we may make choices

but who pays

the price? Them?

Or vulnerable

others? Oh yes, they will pay

with their health, or life even …

Yes, there’s a price, but

those who should

won’t pay it,

they can’t even see

or won’t see, what they did wrong -

Challenging times indeed, these;

meet the challenges,

in the race,

even when

it seems there’s no race,

our not-in-charge PM says …



Carolyn Cordon

Writer & Presenter — Poetry, prose, blogging, editor Mallala Crossroad Chronicle. Words are my tools, I use them well!