Member-only story
Why Maths & Creative Writing Something Or Other
This article should have graphs, and charts, or at very least, it should have at least one list in it. But I’m not that kind of writer, all tech, or science or at least serious and sensibly-focused …
I’m a poet, I write things in short lines, leaving words out a prose writer may leave in, creating more meaning, by writing fewer words. So it may be this article could be about the premise that less is more … someone famous said that, or wrote it …
I could research who it was, or at least Google it, and then my readers (Hi readers!) will feel they’re learning important things by reading this article, when in fact, if they learn anything at all, well that would be absolutely amazing!
Articles do better with images, so I will put an image next, and it will be one of my most recent photographs taken, because, well, why on earth not? I don’t know what it will be yet, but I’ll put something in the caption, and indicate again, that the photo was taken by the writer, me, because I’m proud of what I do. Well, I try to be proud of it anyway …
Well that was strange, that hat lives most of the time in my car, which is a Kia Cerato, bright red, except for the dust on it, of which there is quite a bit, because I travel on dirt roads quite a bit, living in the country as I do.