Writing For A Variety Of Reasons …
I wrote a piece this morning for a different writing platform than this one today, it was an article for my much neglected new substak newsletter here https://carolyncordon.substack.com/p/wind-blown-sound?sd=pf
I’m quite happy with the piece I wrote, especially because it included a brand new poem I wrote for the post, and then wrote more about it. Writing for reasons always interests me, there are so many different reasons to write, and I’ve certainly done it for many of them.
I write mostly because I love to write … Writing and being a writer is what and who I am. And writing poetry is my preferred genre of writing, I think. Although writing personal little pieces like the substak article mentioned above, that is fun as well.
I’ve written and published a memoir (in verse), and I can certainly see myself doing something like that again. It will be a quite different thing to the first one, because my life is now different. We live, and we change, based on those lived ‘things’, don’t we? Or if we don’t we get stale, remaining the same =, while the world changes …
OK — so I write because I like doing it. I write and earn a bit of money, by selling my books, at times. I write on writer platforms such as this one, and earn small amounts of money.
But I also write as a volunteer, producing a monthly hard copy newsletter that is also available online. This newsletter contains advertising, the monies paid for the advertising going to my writing group, to…